
Main research interest is in the areas of applied macroeconomics and time series. Special interests include business cycles, energy economics, commodity prices, and fiscal- and monetary policy. See links below for access to papers

Applied Time Series For Macroeconomics
Conference discussions
Older (dormant) Working papers

See also profiles at Google Scholar and RePEc home page, plus  Paper download ranking and ranking of top economists in Norway and Europe.


Work in progress:





  • "Piecing the Puzzle: Real Exchange Rate and Long-run Fundamentals" (coauthors Leif Brubakk and Nicolò Maffei-Faccioli). Work in progress.
    • A preliminary version was circulated under the title: "Lock, stock and (oil) barrel: real exchange rate fundamentals in resource-rich economies" 
    • Keynote speaker at the 44th International Symposium On Forecasting (ISF), July 1-3, 2024, Dijon. Slides




  • "Re-thinking the relationship between oil prices and monetary policy" (coauthors Jamie L. Cross and Jonas Holz). Work in progress


  • "Forecasting oil and gas Prices: A Model Combination Approach" (coauthors: Ruben Aag and Peder Eliassen). Work in progress


  • "​Oil Shocks and Inequality: Heterogeneous Impacts of Windfall Gains on households and firms in Resource-Rich Economies" (coauthors Yoosoon Chang, Paul Labonne, Helene Onshuus, Julia Skretting and Leif Anders Thorsrud). Work in progress


Publications in international Journals:

(Scroll down for publications in Norwegian)










  • "Oil and macroeconomic (in)stability" (coauthors Vegard H. Larsen and Junior Maih), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 10(4), 2018, 128-51.
    • For a previous working paper version, see here
    • For online appendix, see here












  • "Weights and pools for a Norwegian density combination" (coauthors Karsten Gerdrup, Anne Sofie Jore, Christie Smith and Leif Anders Thorsrud). North American Journal of Economics and Finance. 22(1), 2011, 61-76, (formerly titled as “There is more than one weight to skin a cat: Combining densities at Norges Bank”).
    • For a previous working paper version, see here.









  • "The commodity currency puzzle" (coauthor: Håvard Hungnes), IUP Journal of Monetary Economics, Icfai Press, VI, 2008, 7-30.
    • For a previous working paper version, see here












Some selected publications in Norwegian: