Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, BI Norwegian Business School


Keynote speaker at the 44th International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF), July 1-3, Dijon. The talk is based on "Lock, stock and (oil) barrel: real exchange rate fundamentals in resource-rich economies" (by Bjørnland, Brubakk and Maffei-Faccioli). Slides 

Invited speaker EIA Virtual Workshop Energy Markets and the World Economy: "Unveiling inflation: Oil Shocks, Supply Chain Pressure, and Expectations", March 2024. Slides

The paper "The Shale Oil Boom and the U.S. Economy: Spillovers and Time-Varying Effects" (coauthor Julia Skretting) is accepted for publication in Journal of Applied Econometrics.  

New paper: The Drivers of Emission Reductions in the European Carbon Market (with Jamie L. Cross and Felix Kapfhammer), CAMP Working Paper 8/2023, BI Norwegian Business School.